【题目】:Health Big Data and Analytics: Clinical Decision Support and Patient Empowerment
【报告人】:Hsinchun Chen, Arizona Regents' Professor, Thomas R. Brown Chair, Director, Artificial Intelligence Lab, University of Arizona
【摘要】:In this seminar, Dr. Hsinchun Chen will discuss the research opportunities in health big data analytics. Based on research partnership in Asia, Dr. Hsinchun
Chen will present our ongoing research in disease progression modeling using Electronic Health Record (EHR) and adverse drug event extraction using
patient social media. A working prototype system Diabetic Link which aims to support healthcare decision making and patient empowerment for diabetes
patients will be introduced. Research partnership in Asia for health analytics research is sought. Dr. Hsinchun Chen will also introduce the NSF Smart and
Connected Health (SCH) research program, which he will lead in August 2014.
Dr. Hsinchun Chen是美国亚利桑那大学教授,美国电气和电子工程师协会(IEEE)和美国科学促进会(AAAS)的会员,2006年获得IEEE计算机协会技术成就奖。他出版了20部著作和发表了150多篇SCI论文,跨越知识管理、数字图书馆、国土安全、网络计算和生物信息学等领域。他是10个杂志的编委会成员,曾担任美国国家医学图书馆、中国台湾“中央研究院”和中国国家图书馆的科学顾问。