新加坡国立大学董润桢教授学术讲座 2015-09-25

【讲座题目】 Recent Research Trends in Industrial & Systems Engineering

【讲座嘉宾】董润桢教授, 新加坡国立大学工业与系统工程系主任


【讲座地点】 管理学院313

【摘要】:As we move into the era of big data, the way we live and how systems operate are undergoing unprecedented changes. 

Major multi-national corporations, governments and their supporting industries are transforming themselves to keep up with these challenges. 

In this presentation, we shall discuss some of the major research programmes which are currently underway in response to such needs in ISE 

department of the National University of Singapore. In particular, an overview of five research directions, namely Energy and Environment, 

Systems Resilience, Supply Chain, Risk Management in Aviation, and Predictive Analytics for RAMS, will be highlighted. Collectively, these 

research programmes provide valuable insights to decision makers by adopting data-driven approaches in the planning and operations of smart

 urban systems. 



Professor TANG Loon Ching (董润桢), Director of Temasek Defence Systems Institute and Head of Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, is the elected Region VP 

(Asia) of Institute of Industrial Engineers. He obtained his Ph.D degree from Cornell University in the field of Operations Research in 1992. 

He has published extensively and has been presented with a number of best paper awards including the IIE Transactions 2010 Best Application 

Paper Award and 2012 R.A. Evans/P.K. McElroy Best Paper Award. Prof Tang is the main author of the award-winning book: 

Six Sigma: Advanced Tools for Black Belts and Master Black Belts. Besides being active in the forefront of quality research, in the last 20 years, 

Prof Tang has served as consultant for many organizations, such as the Ministry of Home Affair, Singapore Power Grid, Republic of Singapore Air

Force, Seagate, HP, Phillips, etc, on a wide range of projects aiming at improving organizational and operations efficiency. He is currently on the

advisory board of Singapore Innovation and Productivity Institute and the academic panel of Institute of Engineers Singapore Academy. 





