李皓学位论文及已发表论文目录 2015-06-30

[1]  Li H, Jiang JH, Wu MJ. The effects of trust assurances on consumers’ initial online trust: 

A two-stage decision-making process perspective[J]. International Journal of Information Management, 

2014, 34 (3): 395-405. (SSCI: AH7XU)

  [2]  Li H, Jiang JH. Effects of e-service process presentations on customer readiness and adoption[C]. //Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Auckland, New 

Zealand: Association for Information Systems, 2014: 1-11.

  [3]  姜锦虎,李皓,袁帅.基于多智能体系统的分布式信誉机制研究[J].管理工程学报,

2013,27 (1):77-87. (CSSCI)

  [4]  李皓,姜锦虎,赵县军.电子服务过程展示的方式与分类研究初探[C].//陈国青,马费成,刘肇军.大数据背景下的信息系统研究与实践(信息系统协会中国分会第五届学术年会论文集).贵阳:贵州大学出版社,2013:9-14.

  [5]  李皓,姜锦虎.网站使用中用户体验过程模型及实证研究[J].信息系统学报,2012,9:55-66.

  [6]  Li H, Jiang JH. Effects of ad placement and ad-context congruity on ad memory and perceived intrusiveness of online video advertising[C]. //Proceedings of the 6th China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM). Beijing, China, 2012: 1-5.

  [7]  Li H, Jiang JH. An optimal combinational coalition formation based on genetic algorithm[C]. //Proceedings of International Conference on E-Business Intelligence (ICEBI). Kunming, China: Atlantis Press, 2010: 527-533. (ISSHP: BTI86)

  [8]  Li H, Lo HY. Do you recognize its brand? The effectiveness of online in-stream video advertisements[J]. Journal of Advertising, 2015. (SSCI)(已录用)







