赵洁学位论文及已发表论文目录 2014-04-02 Zhao Jie, Li Yuan, Liu Yi, Cai Haowen. Contingencies in collaborative innovation: Matching organisational learning with strategic orientation and environmental munificence[J]. International Journal of Technology Management, 2013, 62(2/3/4): 193-222. (SSCI:000321910500006)Li Yuan, Wei Zelong, Zhao Jie, Zhang Chenlu, Liu Yi. Ambidextrous organizational learning, environmental munificence and new product performance: Moderating effect of managerial ties in China[J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 2013, 146(1): 95-105. (SSCI:000326426300010)Zhao Jie, Wei Zelong, Liao Xiuwu. Ambidextrous innovation, market orientation, and performance: A disruptive innovation perspective[C]. Academy of Management (AOM), Boston, USA, August 3-7, 2012.Li Yuan, Zhao Jie. Employee participation, team communication, and ambidextrous innovation[C]. International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR), Hong Kong, China, June 20-24, 2012.赵洁, 魏泽龙, 李垣. 高管激励机制、组合能力对创新双元性的影响研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2012, (2): 108-115. 赵洁. 所有权结构对组织冗余与企业绩效的影响研究——基于委托人-委托人冲突视角[J]. 西安交通大学学报(社会科学版), 2013, 33(3): 46-51. 论文题目:网络属性对双元学习的影响研究:企业家导向的调节作用 专业:工商管理 学号:4109008050 公示时间:2014.4.2 公示地点:院图书馆 管理学院教务中心