学术动态Academic trends 停课不停学!| 管理学院通识教育系列讲座 2022-01-08 教授带你选专业!| 管理学院本科专业认知系列讲座 2022-01-08 How shadow banking influences on-balance-sheet business: Evidence from operational ris... 2021-12-24 题目:Which Enemy to Dance with? A New Role of Software Piracy in Influencing Anti-pira... 2021-12-20 题目:A Behavioral Investigation of Fulfilled Expectations in Network Product Adoption 2021-12-20 题目:Efficient dynamic resource allocation contract in online platforms 2021-12-09 题目:Structures in Nonconvex Optimization: Efficient Algorithms, Complexity Analysis a... 2021-12-07 题目:Online crowdsourced truck allocation with historical experience 2021-12-06 题目:区分时段、目的和边界的员工企业社交媒体使用对工作绩效的影响机理研究 2021-11-26 数字经济时代产教融合协同育人高峰论坛议程 2021-11-24 题目:解读十九届六中全会精神,展望未来发展 2021-11-24 题目:《老子》的领导管理智慧 2021-11-12 题目:产业互联网理念趋势与实践路径 2021-11-11 题目:Data-Driven Scalable E-commerce Transportation Network Design with Unknown Flow R... 2021-11-10 题目:A Queueing-theoretic Framework for Evaluating Transmission Risks in Service Facil... 2021-11-10 题目:Right to Repair: Pricing, Welfare, and Environmental Implications 2021-10-15 主题:Coding Causal and Process Models as Graphs for Enhanced Literature Reviewing 2021-10-15 题目:The Manufacturer's Role in Nanostore-Supermarket Supply Chain Competition 2021-10-11 题目:Selling to Time-inconsistent Consumers 2021-09-28 题目:Lessons Learned Along the Way in Early Academic Life 2021-09-26 首页< <1...1112131415...43>>尾页