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大数据系列讲座之八:Quantifying Social Media Content: An Integrated Text Analytic Framework for Value Discovery

作者: 编辑: 发布时间:2013-06-21

主讲人:樊卫国 美国弗吉尼亚理工大学教授

时  间:2013年6月25日(星期二)下午4:00-5:30

地  点:管理学院313教室

Abstract:The recent surge in the usage of social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, and online communities and forums has created an enormous amount of user-generated content (UGC). UGC serves as a huge gold mine that is yet to be tapped for various business and consumer intelligence applications.  While there are streams of research that seek to mine this UGC, these research studies, however, are often done in a piecemeal fashion without a coherent and systematic framework.  In this paper, we synthesize existing research studies and propose an integrated text analytic framework based on statistical language processing and computational linguistics.  The framework effectively leverages the rich social media contents and quantifies the words in the text using various automatically extracted signal cues.  These extracted signal cues can then be used as modeling inputs for business value discovery.  We show case the usefulness of the framework by performing product defect discovery using UGC from popular online discussion forums. Implications of such a framework for both research and practice are provided.