题目:The Secrets to Having It All: How We Develop Psychological Ownership Towards Entities We Don't Legally Own
主讲人:虞云至君,Simon Fraser University
报告简介:Psychological ownership is the feeling of “this belongs to me” that consumers may develop towards an object, idea, space, or organization. Prior research has shown that psychological ownership can be experienced independently of the presence of legal entitlement. In two papers, I seek to understand 1) how psychological ownership can be experienced towards another object that consumers do not own merely through physical similarity (Paper 1), and 2) how consumers may experience the feeling of ownership toward another human entity, and alternatively, affect people’s attitudes and behaviors towards other groups of people (e.g., their children, spouses, employees, etc.; Paper 2). This research contributes to the literature on psychological ownership by understanding how this feeling may emerge in unconventional ways across different domains and contexts.

虞云至君,Simon Fraser University市场营销系应届博士生,主要研究方向为消费者持有物(consumer possessions)及心理占有权(psychological ownership),另外也从事对消费浪费(consumption waste)和传染理论(contagion theory)的研究。其博士毕业论文《The Secrets to Having it All: Three Essays on How We Develop Psychological Ownership Towards Things We Don’t Legally Own》主要研究的是人们如何在不合法拥有某物件的情况下,对目标物件产生心理占有权(psychological ownership),并提升对其的价值评估(endowment effect),同时产生领地意识(territoriality )的过程。虞云至君的博士毕业论文由三篇工作论文组成,其中两篇在准备投稿于营销学国际期刊Journal of Consumer Research和Journal of Marketing Research。另外一篇工作论文则在准备投稿于心理学国际期刊Journal of Personality and Social Psychology。除此以外,虞云至君的研究工作还包括在Simon Fraser University的消费者行为实验室Beedie Marketing Research Lab担任Lab Coordinator,及在Journal of Advertising Research, Business Horizons等国际刊物担任评审人。