范欢学位论文及已发表论文目录 2016-11-29

[1] Huan Fan, T.C.E. Cheng, Gang Li, Peter K.C. Lee. The effectiveness of supply chain risk 

information processing capability: An information processing perspective. IEEE Transactions on 

Engineering Management ,2016,63 (4), 414-425. 

  [2] Gang Li, Huan Fan, Peter K.C. Lee,T.C.E. Cheng, 2015. Joint supply chain risk management: 

An agency and collaboration perspective. International Journal of Production Economics ,

2015,164, 83-94. 

  [3] Huan Fan, Gang Li, Hongyi Sun, T.C.E. Cheng. An information processing perspective of supply 

chain risk management: Antecedents and consequence. First round revision on International Journal of 

Production Economics, 2016. (Accepted) 

  [4] Huan Fan, Gang Li, Wenjie Zhang, Li Zhao. Risk-related information sharing, supply chain risk, 

and firm performance. Proceedings of the 43rd International Conference on Computers and Industrial 

Engineering, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong,,2013 634-652. 

  [5] Wenjie Zhang, Gang Li, Huan Fan, 2013. The impact of enterprise information system on 

customer service and firm performance. Proceedings of the 43rd International Conference on

 Computers and Industrial Engineering, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong,2013,545-557. 






