学术活动Academic activities 讲座题目:The Bright and Dark Sides of Customer Switching 2018-09-13 讲座题目:大智移云时代财会人员转型路径探讨 2018-09-12 ACCA全球会长李志明学术报告 2018-09-10 香港城市大学Prof. Robert Davison学术讲座 2018-09-04 香港城市大学Richard Fung 教授系列讲座 2018-08-28 讲座题目:How to publish academic papers in top SSCI journals 2018-08-20 讲座题目:Hospital Readmission Prediction Using Trajectory-Based Deep Learning Approach 2018-07-22 讲座题目:区块链原理、应用及发展趋势 2018-07-12 讲座题目:大智移云时代财务共享与管理会计创新论坛 2018-07-12 讲座题目:Refining our Understanding of the Relationships between Servant Leadership an... 2018-07-11 讲座题目:What matters is “when”: The mediating effects of cognitive persistence and ... 2018-07-11 讲座题目:信息安全管理实践之GDPR 欧盟通用数据保护法应对策略 2018-07-11 讲座题目:Dynamic Operations Management with Strategic Customers 2018-07-11 西安交通大学管理学院创新、创业与战略系列报告 2018-07-10 讲座题目:Information and Pricing Effects in Two-tier Public Service Systems 2018-07-09 讲座题目:Help Your Editor Accept Your Paper 2018-07-09 讲座题目: Career boundarylessness and career success: areview, integration and guide to... 2018-06-29 讲座题目:How to write a good introduction? 2018-06-29 讲座题目:Information content of earnings announcements: A different perspective 2018-06-19 讲座题目:Media Coverage and IPO Pricing Around the World 2018-06-05 首页< <1...2223242526...43>>尾页