学术活动Academic activities 题目:以价值创造为本 探索更适合组织的绩效管理 2023-04-06 题目:Optimal Robust Policy for Feature-Based Newsvendor 2023-04-04 题目:Quality and private label encroachment strategy 2023-04-03 题目:地方公务员配置与资本跨区域流动——基于企业异地并购的证据 2023-03-30 题目:Divide and Conquer: A Hygienic, Efficient, and Reliable Assembly Line for Houseke... 2023-03-21 题目:It Takes Humility to Enhance Diversity: CEO Humility and Female Representation o... 2023-03-21 题目:Counterterrorism Topological Evolutionary Analysis: Balancing Military Operations... 2023-03-21 第一届Web3.0信息与运营管理国际学术会议 2023-03-15 题目:Investors’ overreaction to earnings news 2023-03-14 题目:Industry 4.0 in Europe: Status and Challenges 2023-03-13 题目:谈如何选择好的研究问题,做一流的研究工作 2023-03-09 题目:An interval constraint-based trading strategy with social sentiment for the stock... 2023-03-09 题目:新时代育景下企业社会责任履行的内外驱动与高质量发展 2023-03-03 管理科学前沿讲座:数智供应链建设的探索与实践 2023-02-24 题目:Manufacturer encroachment with an e-commerce division 2023-02-15 2023 China Accounting and Finance Conference 2022-12-29 题目:Learning Robust Imaging Models without Paired Data 2022-12-16 第13届中国·实践·管理论坛暨首届“问道管理”论坛(2022)会议手册 2022-12-15 题目:Machine Learning in Banach Spaces:A Black-box or White-box Method? 2022-12-09 管理学院“思源营销研究论坛” 2022-12-08 首页< <1...89101112...43>>尾页