学术动态Academic trends 讲座:案例方法的底层逻辑与案例开发 2024-05-14 Problemistic search in multibusiness firms 2024-05-13 题目:Hybridizing Evolutionary Algorithm and Reinforcement Learning for Scheduling Prob... 2024-05-09 题目:The Impact of Generative Artificial Intelligence on Individual Manual Investment ... 2024-05-08 讲座:特高压输电会导致区域碳转移吗?来自中国能源富集区的经验证据 2024-05-08 初心论坛第54期:实验教学培训 2024-04-16 讲座:管理科学学术论文的写作解析 2024-04-16 讲座: Bilevel Additive Models 2024-04-10 讲座:Is There Regime-specific Return Predictability in Quantiles? 2024-04-10 讲座:执两用中:CEO谦逊促进企业双元创新平衡的理论与证据 2024-04-10 讲座:Nexus Effect: Unraveling the Impact of Political Patronage Connections on Corpora... 2024-04-08 讲座:智能系统的可靠性及管理相关问题的讨论 2024-04-08 讲座:Stochastic and multi-criteria optimization for remanufacturing industry 2024-04-03 讲座:空间转录组数据中的统计问题 2024-03-27 第十届MPAcc学生案例大赛报名通知 2024-03-14 讲座: Innovation Ecosystem Research on the Chinese Automobile Industry 2024-03-11 讲座:A new perspective on time pressure and creativity: Distinguishing employees’ rad... 2024-03-07 讲座:Ally or Fade Away: Supplier-Complementor Alliances and Membership Duration in App... 2024-03-05 讲座:A Hierarchical Grouping Algorithm for the Multi-Vehicle Dial-a-Ride Problem 2024-01-11 学术会议:工业工程与运营管理系第一届学术研讨会 2024-01-05 首页< <123456...43>>尾页