学术动态Academic trends 讲座:“思源市场学研究论坛”系列报告之二十七 刻板印象威胁对消费者价格感知的影响 2024-06-12 讲座:Frequency Control Ancillary Services and Bidding in the National Electricity Mark... 2024-06-11 讲座:Does AI Reduce Inequality? A Study with a New Occupational AI Exposure Measure 2024-06-11 讲座:“思源市场学研究论坛”系列报告之二十六 品牌昵称营销 2024-06-11 讲座:The Role of Analyst Competition in the Process of Stock Market Liberalization 2024-06-11 会议通知|数字时代的中国式创新学术研讨会 2024-06-09 讲座:稳态 CVaR 的动态优化理论与算法研究 2024-06-06 讲座:Strategic Inventories in Competitive Supply Chains under Bargaining 2024-06-04 讲座:Decomposing Both/And: SMART Strategies for Balancing Paradoxical Opposites 2024-05-30 讲座:An effective and robust genetic algorithm and exact algorithms for passenger-good... 2024-05-30 讲座:叙事共建视角下的领导力困境 2024-05-29 讲座:Lovw Well,Whip Well:A Competing View of Political Affinity between Countries for ... 2024-05-25 讲座:Crafting Articles for Top IB Journals: Frontiers, Theory, and Publication Strateg... 2024-05-24 讲座:Pairing up with anthropomorphized artificial agents: Leveraging employee creativi... 2024-05-23 讲座:平台物流供应链协同运作管理 2024-05-23 讲座:Design and Pricing of Extended Warranty Menus Based on Discrete Choice Models 2024-05-22 讲座:If Goodwill Amortization Comes Back:A Quasi-Natural Experiment 2024-05-21 讲座:Voluntary eSR Disclosure and eSR-related litigation 2024-05-17 第三届马兰会计学论坛议程 2024-05-16 题目:研发信息披露对企业创新的影响 2024-05-16 首页< <12345...43>>尾页